Kαλό Mήνα! Just like that, September is here! Some have joked that this has been the longest March Break ever! We continue to hear from the Ministry of Education and our various Boards as teachers across the Province are working hard to ensure a safe return for all of our children. My hat off to all the teachers out there! As mentioned in my previous note, our permit for Pleasantville Public School has not been renewed, this is the case for all community rentals. The permit still remains on hold. Thank you to all the families that took the time to complete the short survey. Based on the survey’s results, our families would prefer an in-person experience. We agree! Having said that, the Hellenic Academy of York will be moving forward with in-person delivery of teaching. We will ensure we make our children’s health and safety our top priority and will closely follow the public health authorities recommendations. Our new location will be located in York Region and we will ensure proper social distancing will take place and class sizes will be smaller. I will say, we have been working very hard at finding our next home which has been our top priority and are close to securing it. There may be a very slight chance we may need the first couple of classes to be offered via synchronous learning so that we can ensure we don’t fall behind and ensure all proper safety measures are in place at the same time. Acknowledging September is an intense month for all families in a normal year, we feel it is important to allow time for parents and students to adjust to the new normal that awaits us at our everyday School environment. We will be delaying the start of our Greek School year and the first day of HAY will be Saturday October 17th. HAY – 2020/2021 Greek School Registration – NOW OPEN! REGISTER TODAY – We encourage you to register your children to secure their enrolment with a $200 deposit (per family) by clicking the link below so that we are able to prepare for our school year appropriately by organizing our classrooms, teachers and ordering text books as needed. Please feel free to connect with us if you have any questions at info@hccy.ca. First day of school is Saturday, October 17th, 2020 REGISTER HERE TODAY!  SAVE THE DATE! Saturday, September 26th, 2020 Location: Richmond Hill Masonic Hall – 112 Crosby Avenue, Richmond Hill Please note the Hellenic Canadian Community of York Region will be holding an Annual General Meeting of Members on Saturday, September 26th, 2020 at 10am. We request all members be in attendance. If you are unable to attend we ask that you kindly submit a signed proxy to ensure we achieve quorum for our meeting. It is very easy to submit the proxy, It can be completed online via the link below. We are grateful for your time.  AGM Proxy Form – Click here to sign! Greek Language High School Credit Program – September 19, 2020 We are pleased to announce that the York Region District School Board will be providing Greek Language High School Credit Courses once again this year for grades 9/10 thru 12 in the fall. The courses will be held on Saturday mornings starting on September 19, 2020 from 8:45 am – 12:30 pm. The credit course program will run from September until June. For the fall classes, at this time due to Covid 19, they plan to deliver live lessons online. They will offer live language lessons, using Google Classroom, during the regularly scheduled language class until they return to normal in class language instruction. It is a 3 credit program, students can begin in grade 9 and finish by grade 10, or begin in grade 10 and finish in grade 12. Students can use their 2nd and 3rd credit mark in their overall average when applying to universities and colleges. Below is the info for students to register: For YRDSB students, register online with myPathway Planner For non-YRDSB, download and complete the Registration Form: Click HERE to register Visit the Credit Webpage for details: Click HERE for more information HELP WANTED In preparation for the new school year in September, we are looking for Greek School Teachers, Assistants, and Volunteers. Interested and qualified applicants are requested to contact us directly at 905-313-1000 and forward your resume via email to info@hccy.ca Ζητείται Προσωπικό Η Ελληνική Ακαδημία του Γιόρκ ζητάει έμπειρους δασκάλους/λες για το Σαββατιανό Ελληνικό σχολείο στο Richmond Hill. Παρακαλούμε υποβάλετε το Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα και τη Συνοδευτική σας Επιστολή στην ακόλουθη ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση: info@hccy.ca Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες τηλεφωνήστε στο: 905-313-1000 HCCY and HAY Needs Your Help The Hellenic Canadian Community of York Region and the Hellenic Academy of York needs your help. We are looking for new dynamic and enthusiastic individuals to join our team. We need passionate volunteers to come on board with fresh new ideas and the energy to take our community to the next level. If your time is limited, we are also looking for volunteers to join our special committees including: Events, Fundraising, Membership, and School Lunch Program. If you have the desire to give back to your community, meet new people, and make a difference to your child’s education, I urge you to please make that first contact today. Please email info@hccy.ca or call 905-313-1000 Wishing you all a safe start to the new School Year!! Εύχομαι καλή και δημιουργική σχολική χρόνια σε όλους!  As always, your comments and feedback are welcome and appreciated. Please take good care, With gratitude, Helen A. Barbalias, MA President, HCCY & HAY president@hccy.ca |