Kαλό Mήνα! I know these are challenging times but we find comfort in focusing on the incredible people around us and the strength of our community. Your health and the health of our community is our priority. While we are following the guidelines and measures of the governmental authorities, we cannot be certain of the extent of the Hellenic Academy of York Greek School closure at this time. We will be reviewing the overall financial impact of the school closure and we intend to make adjustments and/or deliver compensation to the members of our community in a manner that is fair and equitable. I know these are challenging times but we find comfort in focusing on the incredible people around us and the strength of our community. Your health and the health of our community is our priority. While we are following the guidelines and measures of the governmental authorities, we cannot be certain of the extent of the Hellenic Academy of York Greek School closure at this time. We will be reviewing the overall financial impact of the school closure and we intend to make adjustments and/or deliver compensation to the members of our community in a manner that is fair and equitable. In effort to keep our routines the same as much as possible, we are looking into online learning options for our students and families that we hope we can share with you shortly. In the meantime, I would like to bring your attention to a new online portal that the Hellenic Heritage Foundation launched earlier this month www.greeklanguage.ca. Its an online portal built to support Greek language education across Canada, designed to meet the needs of Greek-language educators, sutdents and parents. It’s a one-stop platform to connect to Greek community groups and events in your community. I encourage you all to check it out!! Normally, our monthly newsletter outlines a number of updates for our community but due to the uncertainty of everything, I thought we would include something that I hope will make you smile! For those on social media, there have been many images/memes and sayings in response to this horrible virus. Although, not a laughing matter, sometimes a good laugh goes a long way. Here are a couple of my favourites….     I would like to close on a personal note. Having two little ones at home, my routine at home is a different one, that is forsure! I am sure it is the same for many of you. Our days include, reading, spelling, iPad (yes, the screen saves me at times), driving to big open lots and riding our bikes and scooters and of course, crafts. LOTS of crafts. We have a full stock of Easter decorations already! On that note, please continue to take good care of yourself, be kind to others, and live our Greek culture values that help keep us united as a community. Wishing you all a Καλό Πάσχα, a Happy Easter to you an your families. God bless.  Best Regards, Helen A. Barbalias, MA President, HCCY & HAY president@hccy.ca |