At Hellenic Academy of York staff, students, and parents are expected to work together to maintain the good reputation of our school in the community.

Every person has the right to:

Be respected

Feel safe

Be treated with dignity

Have belongings respected

Be heard and understood

Have positive self-esteem

Every person has a responsibility to follow the behaviour expectations outlined below.

Expectations for Behaviour:

All members of the Hellenic Academy of York are responsible for creating an inviting, safe, and orderly school environment where everyone is treated fairly with an opportunity to learn, grow, and achieve success.

In the morning students will:

Arrive before 9:30 am (all school entrances will be locked at 9:45 am)

Late drop-off:

Late arrivals must report to the office to sign-in

Early pick-up:

Early pick-ups must report to the office to sign-out

In the classroom students will:

Not touch day school student/teacher property

Be on task and participate in class discussions

Take care of school materials and books

Respect the learning rights and needs of others

Follow the teacher’s directions at all times

Respect others and their belongings

Respect the personal space of others

Be prepared to learn (have supplies, books)

Wait for turn to speak

Keep classrooms and school areas clean

Every person has a responsibility to follow the behaviour expectations outlined below.

In the halls and stairwells students will:

  • walk quietly to and from classes on the right hand side, respecting the space of others;
  • keep hallways and stairwells clean and clear of obstructions by putting all garbage in the garbage bins;

On the school yard students will:

  • use proper language at all times;
  • remain outside until bell rings or accompanied by a teacher or have written/verbal permission from a teacher; respect the environment;
  • keep the school yard clean by putting all garbage in the garbage bins; respect the space and belonging of others;
  • keep one’s hand and feet to oneself; leave snow on the ground;
  • leave rocks, twigs and other harmful objects on the ground; play in a safe and appropriate manner;
  • use only tennis balls, footballs, basketballs, and soccer balls; play handball and foot hockey on the tarmac;
  • play basketball in the designated areas; play all other ball games in the field;
  • do not leave designated play areas;
  • follow instructions from teacher(s) on duty;

In assemblies and group presentations students will:

  • walk in with teaching staff and sit in the assigned spaces; listen attentively to presentations;
  • remain seated until dismissed by a teacher;
  • keep feet and hands still, watch quietly, and clap appropriately.
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